Business Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm


Driveway Painting Perth

Driveway Paint Often when people renovate their homes or rental properties, the driveway is not a priority and is often overlooked. However, it can be quite a beneficial thing for your home if you remember to refresh your driveway paint. One reason to apply a new coat of driveway paint is that it can extend the life of your driveway while increasing your home’s value. And you don’t have to do much to get your driveway looking like new - just get the right people for the job. To learn more about the benefits of a driveway paint refresh and what you can do to achieve a professional finish, keep reading. Benefits of a driveway paint refresh There are plenty of reasons for a homeowner to give their driveway a fresh coat of paint. Below we have listed the ma...

The Different Types of Anti-Graffiti Paint Coatings

Do anti-graffiti paint coatings work? In short, absolutely. It's a popular choice for many local communities, private property owners, and business owners affected by graffiti vandalism across WA. According to Crime Stoppers WA, this widespread petty crime costs the West Australian economy over $25 million a year. That is a lot of savings to sink into graffiti removal. And while removing graffiti helps to restore the image of a neighbourhood or shop front, repeating graffiti vandals or their pals often keep coming back. As you can't always get to remove the graffiti as quickly as it reappears, it leaves a negative impression on prospective customers, clients, and neighbours. So what else can you do about it? Well, besides reporting to your local council, C....

What Is Anti Graffiti Paint And How Can It Protect Your Buildings?

Does Anti Graffiti Paint Work? Graffiti can be a work of art, a bold statement, or a deliberate decorative choice at the right time and place. However, not everyone can be a graffiti or street artist. Abandoned property, shops, and back alleys are often "tagged" using cans of spray paint by amateur taggers or those simply intending to vandalise. If left untreated, the build-up of graffiti vandalism can negatively affect the reputation of a business or community. As many will testify, graffiti removal can be a time consuming and costly process. However, by priming your walls with the right anti graffiti coating, you can easily wash off graffiti from many different types of surfaces. If you are still wondering "does anti graffiti paint work?" then keep scrollin...

Deciding to DIY or Hire Professional Painters

Decorating the interior of your home or business is an exciting venture that requires careful planning. Just as you would be decisive when choosing which furniture best suits the theme of each room, so should you take the time to consider the best way that your walls can be painted. Naturally, you want to be assured that the painting job will be completed to a high quality and at a fairly good price. After all, pair the right type of paint with high-quality workmanship and you will get a paint job that not only looks great but can also withstand the test of time. While you can always re-paint the walls if you make mistakes, hiring experienced professional painters can save you a lot of time and money while providing a return on investment. To help you decide w....