Business Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm


How to Maintain Your Paint and Keep it Looking Fresh?

If you hire professional painters in Perth, you should get a fresh paint finish that will last for many years to come. However, some people are unaware that they will need to perform some routine maintenance from time to time to keep your paint surfaces looking great. In this article, we will show you how to maximise the life of your paint job and keep it looking fresh and clean. 1. Remove Dust from Paint At Elite Painting as professional painting contractors, we often get asked to prematurely paint surfaces that only really need a good cleaning to bring them back to life. Over time, dirt, dust, and cobwebs can accumulate over your painted surfaces and leave them looking old and tired. This material is easy to clean away with a clean microfibre cloth and a l....

5 Benefits of Commercial Painting for Your Building

When business managers think about commercial painting for their building they can be forgiven for considering the possible disruption to their regular operations. This is natural, but it can be a somewhat short sighted mindset, and a fresh coat of paint may be extremely beneficial for your business. In this article, we will look at five benefits to your business when you hire a commercial painting company. 1. A Fresh Start for Your Business Every business goes through ups and downs over the years, and things can become stale. Many top companies will look at ways to reinvent and rebrand themselves to reinvigorate their company. When they hire commercial painters, Perth business owners can create a fresh new space that’s a perfect starting point for the....

Hire a Dulux Accredited Painter in Perth

When they think about professional painters in Perth, residents may be interested to know about Dulux accredited painters. Dulux is the most trusted paint brand in Australia, and they have introduced an accreditation scheme to help people when they want to hire a professional painter. In this article, we will look at what you can expect when you hire a Dulux accredited painter. What is a Dulux Accredited Painter? A Dulux accredited painter has demonstrated to Dulux that they can be trusted to deliver a high quality painting service for their clients. An accredited painter must meet four main criteria to qualify for the accreditation scheme: They must be certified by Dulux. The painter must be professional and reliable. There must be an assurance t....

5 Paint Colour Choices and What They Say About Your Business

When they think about hiring professional painters in Perth business managers need to carefully consider their paint choices. People can form quick impressions about a business based on a number of different factors and colours can play a large part. There are no all encompassing rules on what colours will work and what won’t. Every colour creates a certain impression; the shades that are chosen and how they are used together is also important. Let’s take a closer look at five broad paint colour choices and what they say about your business. 1. Black and Grey A black and grey colour scheme will give the impression of professionalism and expensive taste. You can find this colour at any upmarket coffee place,  jewellery store or high end fashion bouti....