Business Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm


How To Qualify For The 25K Building or Renovating Grant

Renovations generally come about when a home or business needs a new lease of life.  There tends to be a gap between what the current space is delivering, and what is needed by the occupants.   Renovations can be triggered by events such as kids turning into teenagers, and more space is required (or they are moving home for a short period of time), a second bathroom is needed, or you purchased a “fixer upper’s dream” and everything needs to be overhauled. The same happens from time to time with the economy - either at a local, state, federal, or global level.  Events, like COVID, cause a ripple effect and we watch some governments renovating and overhauling things like borders, policies, and economic stimulus packages. Enter the HomeBuilder ....

5 Tips For Choosing Colours To Suit Your Desired Look

When deciding to paint your home, an important factor outside of your time and budget, is of course, thinking through what the bigger picture is in relation to painting and colour choice. Before you start racing off to Pinterest for inspirational ideas or collecting sample tins, it can be useful to think about these five tips before you let your surfaces to be painted in your residence make a statement. 1. Who will be living in your space after you paint it? Any residential painting project will take this into consideration. If your property is going to be sold or rented out, you may want to consider more neutral and classic tones such as whites, creams and greys. While this can feel a little more conservative, it can make it easier for potenti....

What Are The Different Types Of Floor Coatings?

When working through the look and feel of a space, paint selection for walls is something we would know about.   But did you know that you can also choose to paint your floors?  Perhaps you are more familiar with the term floor coating? A floor coating is part of the paint family, and a great alternative to common floor coverings such as wood, carpet and tiles.  Depending on the style of homes and businesses you walk in to will determine if you have ever stopped to look at the flooring underfoot, as quite often, we are no starting at our feet. Around Perth, you may have noticed some floor coatings that help to give an industrial look and feel to a cafe, but did you know that they can perform another function?  Let’s take a look at what’s availabl....

5 Benefits for Hiring Professional Painting Contractor Services

We all have skills and expertise in different areas.  Tasks that we are good at are generally ones we can do with ease, low levels of stress, and may get compliments from friends and family such as “wow, that is amazing”. Similarly, sometimes we want to “try” our hand at other skills and the learning curve can be both costly and time consuming.   Painting the house can be one of those skills where it might be better to hire a professional painting contractor. Here’s five ways that you can benefit from professional painting contractor services: You want to add value to your home Anyone can paint.  But when it comes to thinking about selling your house, or getting a valuation done, a professional paint will help you to achieve outs....