When they are looking for professional painting contractors Perth, residents will need a general idea of the colour scheme for their home design project. It’s very easy to make a colour mistake, and it’s important to get the right colour and finish to suit your rooms. If you involve your painting contractor early, they may be able to offer some expert advice on what will work well. In this article, we will look at four useful tips to make sure that you choose the right paint colour.
1. Don’t Choose the Paint Colour First
This may seem counterintuitive to some people, but professional room designers always choose the paint colour last. It’s far easier to choose the textiles and furniture first and then get the paint to complement your choices. Remember that paint can be easily mixed to obtain the exact colours tones that you need.
2. Become Inspired About Colours
We all have our favourite colours, but choosing the exact colour to complete a room can be a difficult exercise. The best way to choose the right colour is to become inspired, and there are many ways to do that. Pinterest is a fantastic resource for budding designers and professionals alike, and many people showcase their decorating projects there. Perhaps you have an old coffee mug or a toy from your childhood that you always liked and thought about using it in a room. Inspiration can come from a variety of sources, some obvious and others less so.
3. A Neutral Colour is Your Friend
This may seem to be contradictory to mentioning colour above, but we’re not talking about a bland see of neutral colour here. We want those colours, but we need to focus attention and decide where to use them for maximum impact. If you want the focus to be on your walls, go for extremely bold colours to showcase them. However, if you go down this route, other features in the room such as textiles and furniture need to be neutral. The opposite is also true; if you decorate counter to these principles, you may have a room that is far too busy.
4. Use Plenty of Testers
It’s a great idea to use plenty of testers in a wide variety of colours and shades. Always apply your testers to large areas in the rooms where they will be used. The room dimensions and lighting will play a large part in how well the colours work in any room. So, it’s important to test those colours out where they will be applied. Most brands of paint now have testers available, they are not too expensive, and they are well worth the asking price. It’s far better to spend a few dollars now to eliminate a colour that will not work rather than spending far more later. If you have any tester paint left it can always be used for touch ups later.
If they are looking for professional painters Perth, homeowners and project managers should get in touch with Elite Painting for a quote